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“It means everything to me to be authentic and to use my role to amplify the community, because it brings healing to the community and also helps bring healing to myself. “I just try my best to live my life authentically as I am, especially as a Black, queer man working in media,” Gaynor said. He spoke by phone from Brooklyn about his experience coming out and navigating a new role in journalism during the pandemic. He has served as an editor for Fox News, BET, and VIBE magazine.

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Being a millennial speaking to other millennials, he has perfected the way to communicate and relate to his audience. Gerren Keith Gaynor: The managing editor at theGrio and host of the Dear Culture Podcast, Gaynor speaks to his unique experiences growing up as a gay Black man and his journey of learning to live freely within his true self in his journalism and commentator/host career.

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